CT Scan Temporal bone

  1. Partial-to-complete opacification of mastoid air cells due to fluid accumulation and thickening of the mucosa that lines the middle ear
  2. Erosion of mastoid air cell bony septum
  3. Mastoid cortex destruction and irregularity
  4. Periosteal thickening or periosteal disruption
  5. Subperiosteal abscess
  6. Sub acute and chronic mastoiditis
  7. Markers of inflammation
  8. Sclerosis or opacification of mastoid process
  9. Tympanic membrane changes including thickening, retraction, tympanic membrane perforation, or calcification
  10. Ossicle erosion or other possible causes for hearing loss
  11. Determination of cholesteatoma
  12. Intratemporal complications including petrositis, labyrinthitis, subperiosteal abscess, or labyrinthine fistula
  13. Intracranial complications including brain abscess or meningitis
  14. Presence of fibrous tissue
  15. Tympanosclerosis
  16. Formation of new bone matter
  17. Ossicle erosion and displacement
  18. Extension of cholesteatoma to sinuses

  1. CT Scan, MRI, EEG Films/Images with Reports.
  2. Blood for Serum Creatinine.
  3. FNAC/Biopsy Test Reports.
  4. Old Documents.
  5. Operation Note.


  1. Topogram
  2. Plain_B90s very sharp FR_0.75 mm Inner Ear
  3. Plain_B31s medium smooth +_0.75 mm Larynx


Picture: CT Scan Temporal Bone Axial Planning.

Picture: CT Scan Temporal Bone Coronal Planning.

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